I am sure I have told you all about my geekness and here is even more proof. Of course, it comes from those fab people over at crooked timber that inform my days so much. And well, it means I am thinking of having a small evening soiree. That will go into the early morning. I am thinking.
I keep expecting someone to phone up and ask me to an election party. Because not only am I a geek, I know lots of other geeks too. I have arranged to take the Wednesday off. And well, I have a house with a few empty beds and more television channels than you can shake a stick at. So yes, you looking for a place to watch the BBC, CNN, Fox News and Al-Jeezera while perhaps drinking a bud (no Coors allowed) or having a margarita while munching on nibbles and getting into electoral minutiae, drop me a line. Yes, I know I live in the middle of county antrim but I do have an empty queen-sized bed, a queen-sized futon, a very comfortable sofa so I figure I can keep five adults easily if they don't mind sharing beds. I also have a great shower (well, two and a really big bathtub) and I promise to buy coffee at the next big grocery shop. No, we will not be hitting the wine rack (I hope to blog this week about the wine rack and the things it does to me). No, we will not be touching my absolut. I suppose we could finish the laphroig but then don't be surprised if I cry over the empty bottle.
Of course the Blessing had her party last night. It wasn't cheap but it could have been some of the best money I have spent. 12 children effortlessly taken care of. She had a great time. Got to be the centre of attention. Got to have presents. Got to tell people what to do. She sat in the middle and held court. Got kissed by boys. I can easily see her in 20 years time. With no changes in behavior. None whatsoever. I was also the bad mother on saturday but I should go and do something now.
Remember, you want directions, email me.
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And they are just so cute! We got Lucky when he was growing out of his I am so cute I'm a kitten phase. Instead he was and still is in his feed me now, feed me again, play with me, my those toes look awfully dangerous and muct be attacked phase.
And the Blessing is officially 5. She'd like to get married. To Justin. Who kisses her. She is having a party with all her little friends on Sunday. She wants to know if that means she will be 6.
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I quite like the sound of the Welsh group. And we did have tickets. We had seen CHippendales (but not paid for the tix!) and we had bought our Thunder tickets so we could compare and critique. No, really. But the sinuses kicked in and I had to go upstairs and lay down. Vegas had to go on-line and meet 'yer man on the phone.' I am still aghast at the guy with the nude photos of himself at lavalife.
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This does nothing to improve my faith in the wisdom and judgement of young people. And not that it would be okay if they actually were Catholics, but how do a group of young presbyterians manage to get mistaken for Catholics?
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The blessing is losing hers. Two out this week. I don't know when they will grow back. My, but they are small little things. How can anyone eat with those? Anyway, the teeth thing has been a good experience, really.
Lots of people look at the Blessing and say how much she looks like the H's sister. Who, though a beautiful girl (though not an actual blonde) did not get pregnant, give birth or raise the blessing. I don't think she therefore deserves to have a child look like her. However, on Saturday the Blessing ran into our bedroom so excited that the tooth fairy had come and left a pound. We asked her what she was going to do with her new-found wealth and she replied, "I'll put in my money box."
Yep. She's my child.
This might also explain last night's dream. No Justin Timberlake. Just my teeth rotting and falling out while I was trying to make it some theatre matinee in London.
Maybe I'd be less stressed if someone bought me a drink.
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The blessing is losing hers. Two out this week. I don't know when they will grow back. My, but they are small little things. How can anyone eat with those? Anyway, the teeth thing has been a good experience, really.
Lots of people look at the Blessing and say how much she looks like the H's sister. Who, though a beautiful girl (though not an actual blonde) did not get pregnant, give birth or raise the blessing. I don't think she therefore deserves to have a child look like her. However, on Saturday the Blessing ran into our bedroom so excited that the tooth fairy had come and left a pound. We asked her what she was going to do with her new-found wealth and she replied, "I'll put in my money box."
Yep. She's my child.
This might also explain last night's dream. No Justin Timberlake. Just my teeth rotting and falling out while I was trying to make it some theatre matinee in London.
Maybe I'd be less stressed if someone bought me a drink.
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But it is a reason for certain of my friends to hop on those transatlantic flights.
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Best story of the day.
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Anyone who would like to hazard an analysis of this dream(s) can go ahead. I am still just a bit too spooked about it.
I blame Mel.* Because the dream started off with her and I roadtripping through Italy. Driving down little backroads when suddenly she announces we are going to drive through the middle of Rome (the traffic was surprisingly light) and then she stops at a little municipal jail that we had been to before. All because JC Chasen was stopping by. It transpired that we had met JC at the jail previously after he had spent a night in custody for being drunk and disorderly (I am unsure if we too had spent a night behind bars). Then Casparian wanted to go have dinner with him even though we had just eaten a fine Italian lunch a mere hour before! I was unhappy. And got dragged off to a three screen cinema with the two cooing at each other.
The dream then seques into another place and time. No Mel but I am getting tickets for a strip show on Christmas Eve for three of the members of Nsync while waiting for JC to show up. I believe I was trying to engineer a reunion to make JC happy. When who should appear, unexpectedly and needing yet another ticket (and the tickets were only sold in blocks of two for $1000 for the two, where I thought that money was coming from, I have no idea but obviously my subconscious expects me to come into some cash suddenly) but of course, that man who scares me, Justin Timberlake! I know my fear of Justin is completely irrational. I accept that. I am even willing to say that he could be a perfectly nice man. But in my dream he was an unrepentant sleezeball who was just going out of his way to really annoy JC.
Alas, I think I am going to be haunted by this dream for a long, long time.
*I am also blaming Pharrel Williams and Snoop. Because I think it was the video to Beautiful that set off the whole JC riff in my head,
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I don't. Yes, I was promised an html book but then I am the person who has been trying to return a dvd player to Argos for two months. Once again, technology defeats me!
(I need a drink).
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Because I have found some lovely ones. On Rum and Monkey. And then I was kind of taken with what kind a sex toy are you quiz (buy me drinks if you want the answer. drinks!!!) but maybe it is third time the charm.
Medieval Weapon Do You Fight With? Take the quiz!
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Trying to get back to some kind of regular activity. And in keeping with the Vegas adventures,
 I'm a blow-up doll! I'm nasty, strange, and a little bit scary, frankly.
This quiz brought to you by Uffish Thoughts (www.uffish.com) and Blogwhore 2 (www.blogwhore.com)
What kind of sex toy are you? brought to you by
posted at
6:39 AM
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It's scary. And well, I am not telling how low I am on this hierarchy. Not without a nice vodka is some sort of guise or another. Nope, and make that a good vodka.
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I'm really taken with the first sentence.
And I have blogged about the Blessing, blogged about Lucky, blogged about California, blogged about Las Vegas, blogged far too much about vodka in its many wonderful and exciting shapes and sizes but I don't think I have blogged about Wales.
I think I confused the man who came to the door just over a week ago, collecting all the registration for vote forms. He wanted to know what an American wearing a Welsh rugby shirt was doing living in a Victorian seaside town in County Antrim and claiming the right to vote [we can thank the dual nationality act of 1948 for that one]. I, like Cerys, am thankful every day that I am Welsh (california welsh, but hey I consider that to be the best of two worlds). I wish the boys could do better against the Irish each Spring and well there really is no choice when it comes to England v. Wales (does any one have to think for long on that one?). But I do love Wales. I love the North (where parts of my family still live) with the mountains sweeping down to the seas. I love the ruins and the tourist sites. I remember donkey rides on the beach and watching punch and judy shows (I also remember going to Disneyland every year--like I said, the best of two worlds). I love the bridge at Conwy my grandfather worked on.
I do, of course, regret I don't speak Welsh. I know a few words. I took it as a subject for year. But I have no one to speak it with. No papers to read. I suppose I could now watch Welsh television thanks to sky and I could give it another go. But part of me says that if I am ever to learn another language to any great fluency (and I once had it with French) I should pick something useful like French or Spanish (I think the H had said that too). But I wish I had more fluency in cymraeg. And of course I wish the Blessing, with her Welsh name, could speak it too.
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The H thinks he is a bit of a pain. The blessing wants to call him Rebecca. I feel like I now have a complete family.
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I've got a cold. I also drank a great deal of white wine. Had cakes with my friends. Their 7 year old boy had stories told about him. He recently told his mother that his willie talked to him. Most times, it just told him to go to the toliet. Every now and then however, it said wouldn't it be nice to go on a roller coaster or a nice bumpy road, so it could have a tickle.
Then last night I proved once again that I am the clumsiest person on the planet. It involved running out of the shower to get shampoo, running back through bathroom where floor was now covered with water and well, I hit my head, landed on my back and knocked most of the breathe out of the lungs. The H says it is entertaining to me. I hasten to add, there was no drink taken Sunday.
I always maintain, I don't hurt myself when I fall down after drinking. Of course, the broken tailbone might not be proof of that. And I have never tried ot skateboard, drunk or sober.
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But no stores on the Island of Ireland!
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Don't ask how I got here.Just accept the idea that I am looking for information/help/advice/ideas for Vegas. Not for me. No, for Vegas and that life she is embarking upon.
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With Fletch on holiday, I can't accuse her either. I suppose this means we should avoid cut price easter eggs.
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