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kate and pansy think about taking over the world but instead decide to take another drink | ||||||
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I am so glad this guy doesn't phone me up to talk. Because this guy did. Until I got a work colleague to tell him to stop phoning. My younger brother says if it involves math, it must be true! Of course, he is also worried that the American people are getting stupid quicker than can be accounted for by mere evolution. Then again, he lives in Texas.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Off to Bushmills (after dying hair Harold Roark Red) and going to the cinema. Lucky will be all alone and very lonely.
I need to apologise to my friend Dawn here at the very beginning. I am sure she will be dismayed by my peverse reading habits and well, I have no defense except I have perverse reading habits.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
The best part of the day has been the debate in the office over which is more intellectually-challenged animal, sheep or cow? And my favorite part was the co-worker illustrating how cows all stand next to hedges when it starts to rain, with their bums, posteriors, hind-end sticking out. She, was of course, arguing that cows are far stupider. But then she also doesn't like their eyes.
Monday, August 23, 2004
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Friday, August 20, 2004
I do hope they have a good time and I am quietly confident that I will get a mp3 player out of it.
Sometimes you have to ponder just how much of a geek you were. Yes, I played. With anyone who would have me from about (i think) 1979 until 1984. Yes, I was a mathlete. (even typying that word makes me squirm at the sheer geekness of it) I like to tell myself I grew out of the geekness. Moved to the big smoke. Listened to cool 'alternative' music. Learned to drink vodka and wine. Dressed in clothes from trendy shops and second-hand places. Dyed my hair. Travelled the world (alright, europe). Upon reflection, I realise that not only do I still have a set of dice (in lovely green jewelled tones) but I now participate in an on-line by email rpg. It's so sad.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
It was an interesting night on tv. MTV were having a sort of cribs/pimp my ride marathon. Alas, none of the cribs were that interesting (I have no desire to see Peter Andre's living space) but pimp my ride, as always, was sublime. I want a yoga land cruiser. I do. I do. However, I didn't watch nearly enough of it. Somehow I got caught up in the whole men's overall gymnastic championship thing. I do not understand gymnastic commentators. i don't understand why dips may be bad and why sometimes you want your body to look one way and then another time you can't have your arms that way. Yet still I watched. And yes, I know lots and lots about whether or not that German woman should have been disqualified on the three day eventing and whether or not it was a refusal (but we can blame Jilly Cooper for mu understanding three day eventing).
Do you think bears get hangovers?Do you think he'll be back looking for more Ranier ale? Do you think he could be converted to wine when he gets a little older? What if he brings some friends with him the next time? Would he like 'date' an ugly female bear after such a binge? Is that what the panda bears at the National Zoo need?
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I can assure you it is still raining. No Lucky isn't kicked out to enjoy the weather. Yes, I feel like I swam to work. Is this global warming?
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
4 am. Meow. Meow. Meow. Sound of a 12 week old kitten throwing his body against closed bedroom doors in the attempt to get someone to get up and play with him. The sister-in-law was the sucker that opened the door and then had the cat torture her for a while. Tonight, Lucky sleeps in the kitchen.
Monday, August 16, 2004
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How could I resist?
Kate. Oh the reasons. I maintain I am not Kate (there is some disagreement around this). Kate is an alter-ego. Who can do magic and does birthings. She is also what Pansy (also a pseudonym) calls me and whenever I hear that voice shouting Kate (particularly in the vicinity of a bar) I get a nice warm feeling. Also, Kate is a character, in a never-ending story. That managed to include Elvis Costello in the first chapter. And has the perfect role for Johnny Depp (he would have to dye his hair).
3. If yes, do you believe in marriage as an institution? When I got married, I didn't take the H's name. My mother was deeply disappointed in me (see question 5). But all I could think was how can I betray the feminist sisterhood. I didn't. 4. Do you have any children? A daughter, the blessing.
No. She is a sweetie. But not a feminist (ask me about the money conversation before I got married). My father, however, I think very well could be. 6. Reach back into your brain and remember what made you a feminist in the first place. Tell us the story, and let us know if those things still weigh heavily in your decision to continue being a feminist. I think I always was. I remember arguing against the registration for the draft (look I show my age) because I thought it was terribly unfair that boys were being made to register, but I wasn't. Didn't the US Military realise what they were passing up by not having me?!? Then at 22 I read The Second Sex. It articulated all those thoughts swirling around in my mind. And thoughts I hadn't yet had. 7. What would you call your ‘personal style’? Do you like makeup/hate makeup? Jeans and t-shirts or flares and babydolls? Do you own any high heels? Give us an indication of the types of things you like to wear and the image that you portray that makes you the most comfortable.
8. Are you a crazy cat lady? Now that I have Lucky, I feel I've joined the club. All my friends have cats. Princess Tigerlilly, Fenway, Zuma. And let's not forget the cats who have gone on, Smokey, Mike Ditka.
Years I worried about the what about men. Cos as much as I like lesbianism as a political statement, I lust after men. This body is wired for them. And well, I think my father is a feminist role model (he pushed for that on-site child care centre). Men, can't live with them, can't shoot them. Besides the H is a good cook, cleans regularly and is the primary care-giver of the Blessing.
10. Who do you think is more dangerous to feminism: Women who portray feminism as dirty and unfeminine, or men who wish to control their wives through monetary and other means? Or do you have another theory all together? Men, definitely. We have to allow women to find there own ways.
11. What is your political affiliation? Registered democrat. Candidate (on more than one occasion) for the Alliance Party, Northern Ireland. I have also been known to dream about Gordon Brown.
Currently reading Midnight's Children. Just finished re-reading The Handmaid's Tale which I gave to the H for his birthday. (0) comments
My mother is losing her sight.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Two men, BBC1, Eurosport. The H is in heaven because he can get up early every morning and watch a bit of rowing. I am going to get sick of athletes really soon. Also it might explain why I got the news of Julia Child's death from another blog. And I agree with the poster, I want that woman to write my obituary. I always liked the advice that you should never cook with wine that weren't going to drink. Not advice I followed when I was young, a student and broke. But definitely advice I follow now. And I like that idea, 'you are alone in the kitchen'. Rarely true but at least the chef in this house gets to pick the music.
Friday, August 13, 2004
I talked (and linked) about the BA strike and how it could affect my upcoming travel plans(badly). I told cute little stories about Mike my cat and the scratching post I tried to buy. I also moaned a bit about a) the H's desire to spend £3599 on a new bike and b) my sister-in-law drinking all my absolut. I finished it with a horrible quiz on what kind of shoe I am (a great big black boot, if you are wondering). And now all this wit and link and wit has disappeared. Admittedly Blogger did try to warn me not to hit that button. Boy was I a fool!
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I like this story for so many reasons. Maybe because I just got a kitten myself (an all-white 11 week old tom) who is just so placid that he would never attack a pilot. He hasn't even attacked the Blessing yet and I think she provokes him. The H said when he got up yesterday. Lucky and the Blessing where in bed doing a puzzle together. Maybe because I wonder how the cat got into the cockpit. Aren't they supposed to be locking the doors to keep out terrorists? Could cats be Osama Bin Laden's next secret weapon? You could get them through the metal detectors? But what if you ended up with a cat like Lucky? He'd only attack the food cart. And wouldn't really attack. Just wander around meowing and trying to look half-starved.
Friday, August 06, 2004
And it is a killer. I think I may be getting about 10% which means I am obviously spending summer doing something other than indulging in culture.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
What I don't know is if I have unfailing good taste in television (which is probably doubtful) or I am just such a Guardian reader that I no longer have any independent thought (I guess even asking this question means that Emily would never speak to me. But I am okay with that because I don't find the co-poster nearly as compelling as Emily). Anyway, Saturday's Guardian's listing section (TV) had on its front-cover Xzhibit. In side was a story about how they tried to get the man to 'pimp' a mini. I would love to link to the story but I seem completely unable to find it on The Guardian site. Why am I tell ing you? Look at that first sentence. Is The Guardian finally recognising the genius that is Pimp My Ride? The best thing of television as CSI is in hiatus. Not simply entertainment but also a useful exploration of the wetern conceit that you can always reinvent yourself. Or am I just a Guardian dittohead? And which is the scarier scenario? I am on a quest to get everyone in the office to watch it. Everyone with a skybox that is.
I still think this is wrong. Just fundamentally wrong.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Everyone will be pleased by the return of the cocktail of the week. I know it isn't the first Saturday in May and I am not in Kentucky but the herb garden is just so lush at the moment. And mine is the house of whiskey (I think we have five different bottles in the house) so when the wine ran out on Saturday (because I am not sharing the new french bottles with anyone else) and well I had no cranberry juice for cosmos, juleps seemed like a natural choice.
I so want one of these. I do. I just don't think they would like the country antrim address or my sterling cheques. I suppose this is when I also need to confess that I can't seem to save for the Blessing's university education. I keep raiding the account once a year. She is just going to have to get a job. As soon as she turns 8.
push/click arrows to scroll.
Just like the state of nature, nasty, brutish and short...I was always fond of the nickname 'Craxi'...Sometimes I cook, sometimes I tend bar, sometimes I even knit. Mostly I try not to read the plethora of government publications that cross my desk and write one page summaries. favorite food: lobster. ben and jerry's ice cream favorite show: CSI favorite drink: grey goose vodka (with ice, it doesn't need anything else) age: far older than I like to admit/contemplate archives
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